Pixel art of Venom Snake smoking
Pixel art of Venom Snake smoking
Or just install via Steam, using the link down below.
Or just install via Steam, using the link down below.
File Info
{ "description" : "Pixel art of Venom Snake smoking.", "file" : "gifscene.json", "general" : { "properties" : { "schemecolor" : { "order" : 0, "text" : "ui_browse_properties_scheme_color", "type" : "color", "value" : "0.239 0.212 0.192" } } }, "preview" : "preview.jpeg", "tags" : [ "Pixel art" ], "templateoptions" : [ { "configured" : true, "description" : "Import a GIF to be displayed as the wallpaper. Enable 'Compressed' prior to importing if your GIF has a lot of frames or a large resolution. 'Point filter' makes GIFs sharp, useful for pixel art.", "destination" : "materials/background.gif", "guide" : "", "last" : "C:/Users/Rodney/Desktop/ttxmHta.gif", "name" : "GIF background", "options" : [ { "key" : "gif_compression", "label" : "Compressed (DXT5)", "texture" : "materials/background.tex.json", "type" : "checkbox", "value" : false }, { "key" : "gif_pointfilter", "label" : "Point filter (crisp image)", "texture" : "materials/background.tex.json", "type" : "checkbox", "value" : true }, { "key" : "bilteralfilter", "label" : "Noise reduction", "max" : 100, "min" : 0, "texture" : "materials/background.tex.json", "type" : "slider", "value" : 0 }, { "key" : "schemeColorFromDominantColor" } ], "parameters" : { "animatedonly" : true }, "type" : "replacetexture" } ], "templatewizardshownonce" : true, "title" : "Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Venom Snake Smoking (Loop)", "type" : "scene", "visibility" : "public" }
If you don't have Wallpaper Engine you can buy it from the link down below